Office Areas That Require A Deep Clean

Office premises contain many areas that have been ignored for far too long. Their steady accumulation of dirt, germs, and grime compromise the health of your workers, the standards of your workplace, and—perhaps most crucially—the comfort of your clients.

Let’s look at the top areas of your office that become uncleaned the most and why you should prioritize them with the help of an office cleaning company in Seattle!


The wall would likely be dirty if you ran your hand across it as you walked down the office hallway. Most individuals neglect to clean their walls, which causes them to gather dust, fingerprints, stains, markings, and other debris. 

Be careful to frequently sweep, dust, and vacuum your walls and ceilings. Use a soft detergent and a nonabrasive sponge to remove stains, smears, and fingerprints from your walls.

Blinds and Curtains

Just as much as the windows and window sills protect, your drapes and blinds also need to be cleaned and dusted. Curtains can be cleaned with a vacuum, a steam cleaner, or by having them dry-cleaned. You can regularly vacuum or clean your blinds using a feather duster. If they need a thorough cleaning, vinyl and aluminum blinds can also be immersed in dish soap.

Upholstery and Furniture

When was the last time you gave your furniture, which wasn’t visibly soiled or dirty, even the slightest idea of cleaning? 

Even if you can’t see it, your furniture may be infested with bacteria, dust, and mites. Regular upholstery and furniture cleaning have several benefits, including a more polished appearance, a decrease in dust mites, mold, and mildew allergies, a decreased risk of mold and mildew growing in the cushions underneath the upholstery, and a longer lifespan for the furniture. 

Make sure to include “clean all office furniture and upholstery” on your spring-cleaning to-do list.

Equipment and Spaces Behind Heavy Equipment 

Let’s face it; your workers won’t lift a 300+ pound machine to clean behind it unless specifically instructed. These machines may need to be moved, and the area around them is occasionally cleaned since debris like dust and dirt can accumulate behind them. 

Don’t overlook the equipment itself; routine maintenance on office equipment like printers and copiers will improve the quality of your printouts. Using a microfiber cloth and liquid glass cleaning, you can maintain the glass in your copier streak-free and clean to make the highest quality copies.

Ceiling Fans and Light Fixtures

If left unchecked, the accumulation of dead bugs and dust can dull your office’s lighting, repulsing your staff and clients. It has been much too long since you cleaned your light fixtures if your staff finds it difficult to work in dimly lit spaces due to dust accumulation. 

Turning off the electricity to the lights is the first step in cleaning light fixtures. Next, dust out the exterior of the light fixture before removing the cover. 

Cleaning the lamp cover inside and out comes next. Use an all-purpose cleaner to remove debris that has accumulated over time. Enjoy the dazzling light after the cover has been replaced last.

Baseboards, Vents, and Ducts

Right, out of sight, out of mind. False; you must get your ducts and vents cleaned at least once a year to ensure the best air quality and health for your office and personnel. Make sure the air is turned off before cleaning your air ducts for your air conditioner in time for summer. 

Next, vacuum all baseboards and vents. Remove all vent covers afterward, then scrub them with a sponge and dish soap. After that, you should dust as far as you can and use the vacuum hose, preferably with an extension, to remove as much dust, grime, and buildup as possible. Replace the vent covers to complete.


The microwave should be cleaned once a week because it is used regularly. Additionally, getting personnel to clean this area is one of the hardest tasks. 

Any disputes among staff members over who doesn’t cover their spaghetti when it’s reheated can be settled by establishing a weekly rotating cleaning schedule!


You are prepared to ensure that your workplace is cleaner than ever and that you are aware of the seven areas that get overlooked the most when cleaning it. Without the correct cleaning supplies, these chores cannot be completed. So, it may be best to let the professionals handle the cleaning—contact an office cleaning company today!

Queen Bee Cleaning Services is the best office cleaning company in Seattle. Contact us today!

Bumble Bee Cleaning Services