Why Hiring a Cleaning Service: Airbnb

Owning an Airbnb can be lucrative. However, it also involves a lot of work, and more often than not, a long list of responsibilities you have to manage. Whether you own one or more, you have to take care of everything—managing bookings, marketing your listings, and many other things.

Juggling all of that at once can be overwhelming. Now, just imagine having to clean up an entire living space on top of it all? Whether your visitors are kind enough to do some tidying up for you, you will still have to fix, sanitize, and prepare everything. So, ask yourself: is that something you can handle yourself, or should you get help from a professional cleaning company instead?

  1. It Saves You Time and Energy.

One of the most appealing reasons to hire a professional cleaning company is the time and energy it will save you. Cleaning up after strangers is time-consuming. Whether they were extremely messy or not, you’re going to have to go in and thoroughly clean everything. 

This is especially important if you have an immediate booking right after the previous one. That means you would have less time to return everything to pristine condition. You could risk receiving bad reviews for poor hygiene and cleanliness. 

A cleaning service can take care of all that for you in a timely manner. You can rest assured that there’s nothing to worry about once they’re done. 

  1. They are Better Equipped.

Cleaning supplies can be expensive, especially if you need a lot of them. If you own a fairly popular Airbnb, you’ll have your hands full trying to keep up with a cleaning schedule and restocking on supplies. That said, if you hire a cleaning service, you don’t have to worry about anything.

Professional cleaners have the skills, training, and equipment to ensure that your Airbnb is spotless by the time new guests arrive. If your previous guests happened to stain the carpet or left hard-to-remove messes, you might be hassled trying to get rid of that mess and tidying everything up. All in all, it’s just much easier and reliable to save yourself the trouble of cleaning for hours when professionals can do it faster.

  1. You Can Enjoy Your Free Time.

This is probably one of the most appealing reasons you should opt for a cleaning service instead of DIY. There are only so many hours in a day, and cleaning up an Airbnb is equivalent to doing general cleaning of your home. It can take hours or a whole day to get everything done. 

If you’re already juggling multiple things at once, the very little free time you have is precious. You should spend it having fun, resting, and so on. Remember that it’s essential to take breaks in between all the work you’re doing to maintain quality of service and the quality of life. 


There’s no doubt that hiring a professional cleaning service is a better option for cleaning your Airbnb. However, it’s true that it entails spending more money, and that can be a problem. But it’s still a perfectly practical option. Sometimes you will need to do it yourself—that’s perfectly fine. The option is there for times that you need that extra help to cut back on stress and give yourself a break.

If you need professional cleaning services, we are here to help. Whenever you need us, we’re ready and waiting. Queen Bee Cleaning Services is Seattle’s Best house cleaning and Airbnb cleaning service. We guarantee that your place will be shining and spotless once we’re through. Book us today and get $30 off your first clean!

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Bumble Bee Cleaning Services