What Happens When People Inhale Dust Particles

Dust allergy is a common condition triggered by inhaling dust particles. People with extensive dust allergies can experience other symptoms, such as sneezing, runny nose, itchy and watery eyes, congestion, or coughing. Although you can resolve the problem by taking an antihistamine drug, most people experience the symptoms for a more extended period.

Areas in a Home Where Dust Accumulates

How do people prevent inhaling dust particles? There are common areas in the house where dust builds up—window sills, bookshelves, or other places you leave unused most of the time. However, it’s important to remember that most surfaces collect a thin layer of dust which many homeowners tend to overlook. Therefore, it’s best to clean untouched surfaces as often as the other areas in the house you encounter every day.

For example, if your house has blinds, you can guarantee dust accumulates on every slat. You must dust each slat every other day to prevent dust from getting on it. If possible, try to wipe each slat with a damp cleaning cloth every week to ensure overall cleanliness. 

Meanwhile, electronics also collect dust, especially televisions and video game consoles. Of course, you shouldn’t forget the top part of the doors, windows, and cabinets. They are untouched most of the time since they’re high and people have no reason to reach up.

What Occurs After Inhaling Dust Particles?

Your health is the most affected by dust particles. Although a home’s cleanliness is also at risk, humans directly inhaling dust particles may develop respiratory disorders due to the irritation caused by dust.

The entry of dust particles happens either through the nose or mouth. Dust particles then travel through the respiratory tract. However, there are also instances where you exhale the dust particles before they reach your lungs. Unfortunately, those finer particles may end up giving your respiratory system a hard time through your lungs or bloodstream.

The effects of inhaling dust particles also depend on how long your exposure is to the allergen. Even if you were only exposed to dust particles for a short period, you would still experience a few symptoms if you were allergic to them. In severe cases, patients may experience trouble breathing, chest tightness, and wheezing. 

What is Pneumoconiosis?

Pneumoconiosis is a collective term for various types of lung diseases caused by inhaling dust particles. Black Lung Disease (Miner’s Lung), Brown Lung, and Popcorn Lung are three of the most common lung conditions triggered by inhaling dust. They are caused by inhaling coal dust, dust from fabrics or textiles, and diacetyl or the compound giving movie popcorn its buttery flavor.

All types of disorders under pneumoconiosis damage the lungs, blood vessels, and air sacs in the respiratory system. The patients who have them may experience difficulty breathing, coughs, phlegm buildup, and shortness of breath. 

However, people inhaling dust at home shouldn’t be too concerned about pneumoconiosis. It only happens to those exposed to environments where the air quality isn’t as good as at home.


Dust particles cause many health issues while affecting a house’s cleanliness. However, knowing which areas they accumulate the most may help homeowners manage the particles every day. The house should stay clean while the people living there remain safe from lung disorders and diseases. 

If you’re looking for cleaning services near you in Seattle, Queen Bee Cleaning Services is the company to call. Aside from eliminating dust, we also offer extensive cleaning, including deep cleaning and home cleaning services for people who wish to experience high-quality cleaning. Visit our website and get a quote today!

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