The Most Overlooked Kitchen Items That Need Cleaning Too

The Most Overlooked Kitchen Items That Need Cleaning Too

As we clean our kitchens, we think about how we need to get into the really dirty stuff and possibly even the areas that are hard to reach. Even with that attention to cleaning, we sometimes forget about the little things in the kitchen or simply overlook them in the cleaning process. 

Still, these things need cleaning just like the rest of the stuff in the kitchen. Here are some of them:

  • Knife Block

While this thing doesn’t host as many germs as other overlooked items in the kitchen, it probably never gets cleaned ever. First, remove the knives and wash the block in hot, soapy water. Then get a small brush to scrub inside each knife slot. 

Be sure to rinse the bock thoroughly and let it completely dry before returning the knives to it. If the drying process takes too long, you can use a hairdryer to ensure the insides are totally dry.

  • Grocery Bags

If you’re using reusable grocery bags, be informed that they easily collect harmful bacteria from meats, produce, and other items. If you store unwashed reusable bags in a car, the hot temperature makes the ideal environment for germs to multiply.

Be sure to follow the care instructions detailed on the bag, if there are any. Some reusable bags need to be laundered in hot water on a gentle cycle, then air-dried. Turn the bag inside out before washing to make sure you get in the dirty areas. 

Then, use a disinfectant spray cleaner on the bags’ insides and any other bags you don’t want to wash.

  • Salt and Pepper Shakers

Most people simply refill their kitchen fixtures as soon as they run low and may even avoid wiping them down regularly so that the tiniest bit of moisture doesn’t get in. Still, these fixtures, such as salt and pepper shakers, are used daily for cooking and during meals. That makes them susceptible to picking up plenty of microorganisms.

You should regularly remove the contents and wash the shakers in warm soapy water. Be sure to also use a small brush for the insides of the shaker and completely dry them before replacing the salt and pepper.

If you want quick disinfection in between washings, you can also use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer to wipe down the shakers with your hands. 

  • Can Opener

A can opener’s blade constantly comes in contact with food products inside the cans. However, not many people actually clean these after using them. 

If you have a dishwasher-safe can opener, simply toss it in after each use. If not, you can hand wash them in warm soapy water with the rest of the dishes. Be sure to take extra caution so that you don’t cut yourself around the blades and gears.


These four things are almost always overlooked in the kitchen’s cleaning process, mostly because homeowners just don’t think they harbor many bacteria. However, failing to clean these things for longer periods just lets bacteria sit in and multiply, causing illness to you and your family.

Queen Bee Cleaning Services is the best house and Airbnb cleaning service in Seattle, WA, offering deep cleaning, carpet cleaning, general cleaning, moving out or in cleaning, and more. If you’re looking for a reliable whole-house cleaning service in Seattle that guarantees cleaning even the hard-to-reach areas of your home, book a schedule now!

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