Keep Your Airbnb Clean

With today’s current situation, people are more sensitive to the cleanliness of the place they’re staying at because of fear of contracting any viruses. As an Airbnb host, it is your duty to make your guests feel safe and secured in your property. 

The cleanliness of your accommodation is vital, especially if different guests keep coming to your place at limited intervals. Maintaining cleanliness is a good way to prevent the spread of viruses, especially since we’re still dealing with a global health crisis. You have to utilize the vacancy period by doing nothing but cleaning. 

That said, Airbnb has adopted a five-step cleaning process that hosts must adhere to. In this article, we will discuss these steps thoroughly so you can apply them to your property. 

Airbnb’s Cleaning Protocol Step #1: Prepare 

Enter the property 3-24 hours after the guests leave, and make sure to air out the room immediately. This step is essential to keep yourself safe from any lingering viruses or harmful particles. After that, prepare the necessary tools and supplies you’ll need for the cleaning proper, including safety gear and cleaning agents.  

Use disinfectants approved by your local regulatory agencies. You must also unplug all appliances and wash your hands frequently with soap and water.

Airbnb’s Cleaning Protocol Step #2: Cleaning

Step number two will be the actual cleaning. This step is where you will remove dirt, stains, and dust, from the floor to all surfaces. You and your team must also change linens for the next guest, ensure the appliances are spotless, remove all dust and dirt using a vacuum or by sweeping. It would also help to clean hard surfaces using soap to remove grime. If there are dirty dishes left by the sink, make sure to wash them too. 

Airbnb’s Cleaning Protocol Step #3: Sanitizing

Airbnb’s step number three is an extra precaution to remove any residue you might have missed, especially the areas that have been frequently touched, like the light switches, doorknobs, and cabinets. Hosts often overlook these high-touch surfaces, so you need to disinfect them thoroughly to eliminate bacteria. A good tip is to let the disinfectant sit on the surface and allow it to air-dry. 

Airbnb’s Cleaning Protocol Step #4: Checking

Before you proceed to accept guests, double-check everything, including all the necessary things to restock, replace, or refill. Double-check if you haven’t missed out on any surfaces that need cleaning in every room. 

Airbnb’s Cleaning Protocol Step #5: Resetting

Airbnb’s final cleaning checklist is resetting, meaning replacing all the necessary things that can cause cross-contamination. Instead of sanitizing reusable cleaning tools after every use and exposing yourself to harmful particles, you may use disposables for your other cleaning materials. With vacuums, make sure you empty and clean the bin. You can also create a checklist of the things to clean and visually inspect them one by one to make sure everything is spotless. Ensure that you also prepare some cleaning supplies for your guests to use. 


Deep cleaning your property is essential, most especially with the current situation. Follow Airbnb’s 5-step cleaning protocol not only to get good reviews and keep your business afloat but also to keep your guests safe and make them want to come back. If you don’t have the time to do all these, there’s no harm in working with professional cleaners that deal specifically with Airbnb properties.

If you are looking for a professional Airbnb cleaning service in Seattle, Queen Bee Cleaning Services is here to help! We provide deep cleaning services to make your property look beautiful every time, so you can always get 5-star reviews. Book your best cleaning service with us today! 

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Bumble Bee Cleaning Services