Germ-Infested Kitchen Items You Should Know and Clean

NSF International conducted a study where they swabbed fourteen different kitchen utensils from twenty households and discovered that they were contaminated with disease-causing germs such as Salmonella, yeast, mold, and E.coli. Aside from the usual suspects like the sink, sponge, and cabinet handles, the study revealed that more kitchen wares could make your family sick.

Because you’re dealing with a variety of meals that may contain pathogenic germs, the kitchen is a difficult area to clean in comparison to other areas of the house. Discover where germs and bacteria thrive in your kitchen and how to combat them:

Rubber-Sealed Food Storage Containers

Make sure both the container and the lid are clean. Pay special attention to the seal and any grooves where the cover connects to the container if you’re cleaning by hand. Even though you can wash your lunch container in the office sink, germs can thrive in them.

Can Opener

The majority of our cooking ingredients require the use of two or more canned goods. Can openers be useful tools that we use regularly? Because it is frequently used, not correctly storing and sanitizing it can provide a breeding ground for bacteria. This puts your family in danger.

When cleaning can openers, make sure to get into the grooves and spaces and remove any food residues.

Knife Holders

Knife holders are one of the kitchen accessories that many people overlook. Because knives are frequently in contact with raw food, putting it directly in the knife holder contaminates its insides, potentially making the holder a germ-breeding ground. 

Furthermore, even if you clean your knives, they will become contaminated when placed back in the dirty interiors of the knife slots.

To clean the knife holders, turn and shake the block first to remove any food residues. You can also blow it up with compressed air from a can or compressor. It is recommended that you wash it in hot water and brush the slot with soap. Sanitize effectively by dissolving one tablespoon of bleach in a solution and soaking it for one minute. Before using it again, thoroughly rinse it and completely dry it.

Blender Gasket

Blender manufacturers recommend the best cleaning procedures in their manuals, but users frequently ignore and discard them. Blenders that have not been adequately cleaned can contaminate your food.

Make sure to clean the blender regularly according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Disassemble the parts, including the gasket and blades, and wash them with hot water and soap. Before reassembling the components, make sure they are completely dry.

Refrigerator Drawers and Handles

While it is natural for a raw food and meat kitchen to harbor Salmonella, E. Coli, yeast, and mold, how often do you clean the refrigerator where your food is kept?

Remove the drawer from the refrigerator and thoroughly clean the bin with warm water and a small amount of detergent. To get rid of odors, make a baking soda solution (about 1 to 2 tablespoons of baking soda in 1 quart of water). Allow everything to dry completely before continuing.


E.coli, Salmonella, and coliform bacteria, which cause sickness, are more frequent than you might assume. In fact, for these germs, the kitchen is a more harmful environment than the average bathroom. Given the amount of raw food and people who move through this bustling area of the house, it’s no surprise. 

However, you must check and sterilize the items mentioned above, and your kitchen and family should be germ-free! If you are doubtful about your cleaning procedures, consider hiring a professional cleaning service.

Queen Bee Cleaning Service will help you keep your kitchen nooks and corners pristine if you require deep cleaning services near Seattle. We have a team of competent cleaning experts who can take care of all of your cleaning requirements. Request a quote now!


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