Moving out of a rental property can be stressful, especially when getting your security deposit back. Landlords often require tenants to leave the property in the same condition as when they moved in, including cleanliness. In this article, we will discuss the things you need to clean to get your security deposit back.


The kitchen is one of the most important areas to clean when moving out. Start by cleaning the oven, stove top, and range hood. Remove grease or grime from the surfaces and ensure the oven is free of any food debris. Clean the dishwasher, refrigerator, and freezer inside and out. Remove any food remnants and wipe down the shelves and drawers. Finally, clean the sink and faucet, and ensure no clogs or leaks.


The bathroom is another area that is critical to clean when moving out. Clean the toilet, bathtub, and sink thoroughly. Remove any soap scum or mildew from the surfaces. Ensure that the caulking around the tub and shower is in good condition, and replace it if necessary. Clean the mirror and medicine cabinet and wipe down any shelves or cabinets. Finally, check the grout and make sure it is clean and free of any mold or mildew.

Living Areas

Living areas such as the living room, dining room, and bedrooms also need to be cleaned thoroughly. Dust all surfaces, including the ceiling fan, light fixtures, and baseboards. Clean the windows and blinds and ensure the screens are dirt and debris-free. Vacuum the carpets and wash any hardwood or tile floors. Finally, clean any built-in bookshelves or cabinets and ensure they are free of debris.

Walls and Ceilings

Walls and ceilings are often overlooked when cleaning, but they can make a big difference in returning your security deposit. Check for any scuff marks or damage and repair them if necessary. Wash the walls and ceilings with mild detergent to remove any dirt or stains. If you have painted the walls, ensure that the paint matches the original color and touch up any areas that need it.

Light Fixtures

Light fixtures are another area that can make a big difference in getting your security deposit back. Remove any light covers and wash them with soap and water. Ensure that the bulbs are working correctly, and replace any that are burnt out. Finally, dust the light fixtures and ensure they are free of cobwebs or debris.


Carpets can be a significant source of dust and dirt, so cleaning them thoroughly is essential. Vacuum the carpets and use a carpet cleaner to remove any stains or odors. If necessary, hire a professional carpet cleaning service to ensure the carpets are clean and free of dirt or debris.

Windows and Screens

Windows and screens also need to be cleaned thoroughly to get your security deposit back. Wash the windows inside and out and ensure that the screens are free of any dirt or debris. If necessary, remove the screens and wash them with soap and water. Finally, check for any cracks or damage to the windows and repair them if necessary.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, cleaning is essential to getting your security deposit back. Landlords expect tenants to leave the property in the same condition as when they moved in, including cleanliness. To ensure you get your security deposit back, thoroughly clean the kitchen, bathroom, living areas, walls and ceilings, light fixtures, carpets, and windows and screens. If necessary, hire a professional cleaning service to ensure the property is clean and ready for the next tenant. By cleaning thoroughly, you can ensure you get your security deposit back and leave on good terms with your landlord.

Queen Bee Cleaning Services offers the best cleaning service in Seattle. Get in touch with us today.

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