5 Easy Tips to Keep Your Home Clean After the Holidays

The holiday season is full of festivities and wonder, but once the glitter and parties are over, there is a lot of clutter to deal with. 

If you notice stains, spills, smudges, or scratches on your walls and furniture, use these tips to clean up your home and get it back to normal. Be careful not to use any dangerous chemicals, and follow these tips to get the dirt out.

1) Removing Scuff Marks on Wooden Furniture

You can use toothpaste to rub out any scratches or oils from your wooden tables and chairs. Before you start cleaning, you should put on rubber gloves to protect your hands from the chemicals of the toothpaste. 

Use a sponge or cotton cloth to apply some toothpaste to the areas that need cleaning. Rub the toothpaste in circles over the area until it is clean. After the toothpaste dries, you may wipe it away with a dry cloth.

Wiping it off while it is still wet will leave streaks on your furniture, so it is best to clean it while the toothpaste is still wet.

2) Getting Rid of Water Marks on Tables

Watermarks are a very common problem. All it takes is a glass of water on the table to ruin it. It takes just a couple of hours for the watermark to show up.

Many different cleaning products are labeled to remove watermarks, but a lot of them just seem to make the problem worse.

The best way to get rid of watermarks is to use a paper towel and a liberal amount of vinegar. Start with a clean paper towel and soak the towel with vinegar. Gently rub the watermark with the wet paper towel. The watermark should start to fade away immediately.

3) Removing Candle Wax from Fabric

Candle wax can get on the carpet or on the furniture, and it can be very difficult to remove. Sometimes candle wax can be removed by scraping it off with a spoon, but other times, candle wax is so hard that it is impossible to remove.

One way to remove candle wax from the fabric is to put some baby oil on a cloth and rub it into the wax, which should make the candle wax easier to remove. 

4) Cleaning Soot Stains on the Wall

Soot stains can be very difficult to remove. It is best to clean the soot stains as soon as you notice them, so it doesn’t cause any damage to the wall or the wallpaper. 

The best way to clean the soot stains is to use white toothpaste. Rub the toothpaste into the soot stain until the stain disappears.

5) Removing Food Stains from Clothes

While spaghetti may be a popular family meal on a Saturday night, it can leave a big stain on your clothes. While there are many different ways to remove food stains, the best way to remove them is to soak the clothes in a warm water and vinegar solution. 

Fill a bucket with water and add a cup of vinegar. Soak the stained clothes in warm vinegar and water for about an hour. The stain should be gone by then. If not, the longer the clothes stay in the vinegar solution, the more of the stain will be


The holidays are a great time of the year, but they can also be chaotic and fussy. If you are trying to clean up after the holidays, use these tips to help you remove the stains, dirt, and other problems that may come into your home.

Overwhelmed with the amount of cleaning you need to do after the holidays? Contact Queen Bee Cleaning Services. We offer apartment cleaning services in Seattle to help your humble abode look neat and pristine.

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