8 Essential Areas : Move Out Cleaning

Do you wish to relocate to your ideal home? That’s fantastic! A new transfer could usher in an exciting new chapter for all parties. 

However, it also implies that you must vacate your current rental. To improve your chances of receiving your security deposit back, make sure you leave your current home undamaged.

Cleaning up all the areas you’ve been using is crucial before leaving your old place. This includes the living room, kitchen, and all other rooms you’ve used.

Read on to know the areas to clean before moving out and where to find a move-out cleaning company in Seattle:


If you do, make sure anything you leave behind is clean. This also includes appliances. Ensure that your refrigerator is clean and empty. Any remaining racks should be removed from the oven, leaving it empty. Your landlord will also inspect the cleanliness of the cabinets.


Except in cases where black mold is severely affecting your home, you probably only need to clean the baseboards. Check the baseboards to ensure they are clean and you can see the wall behind them without taking them off. 

Make sure your landlord doesn’t see any dirt on the wall. If there is any, you’ll have an even bigger mess to clean up after receiving your security deposit.


Even though you probably don’t climb onto the ceilings to clean them every week, make sure you do this time. That’s because the dust and cobwebs that gather on the ceiling are sometimes hidden from view. 

Possibly there will still be some fruit flies around. Remove them all until there is no sign left that they ever existed. Walls and corners need to be taken care of.


Keep in mind to clean those bathrooms. The toilet can still get pretty dirty even though we don’t see them often. 

After cleaning them with a cleaning solution, you can spray them with glass cleaner. This ensures pristine restroom cleanliness. Avoid using abrasive products on the bowl because they might scratch it.

Living Room 

Whether you were careful to keep your living room clean regularly or found it challenging to keep up with your pets and daily activities, it’s possible that it needs a deep clean.

While moving large furniture to clean the living room might be challenging, start small to avoid leaving any space. Before moving day, take care of a few quick housekeeping tasks.


If you leave anything behind, remember the bedrooms. They can get quite dirty if you don’t clean them after using them. After tidying up and vacuuming, make your bed. Your landlord will need to check the walls, trim, and carpets.

Upkeep of the Fans

You might not have noticed the ceiling fans recently. There may build up a lot of dust and other debris over time. Every fan should be cleaned completely using a vacuum.


Remember to clean the glass on your doors and windows. You want to make sure that one thing sparkles before you leave. You might be charged for any stains or streaks you leave behind. If you don’t have the time to clean these, you can choose move-out cleaning services.


When you take the time to clean your home before moving out, you show your landlord that you care about the rental property. In addition to ensuring that you receive your security deposit back when you move out, a clean house will likely result in you spending less money out of your pocket to repair any damage during your tenancy. On the other hand, if you’re too busy with the whole move-out process, you can see a moving-out cleaning service in Seattle to do the work for you. 

Move-in/move-out cleaning is one of the many services provided by the reputable cleaning crew Queen Bee Cleaning Services in Seattle, Washington. Make an appointment for a moving-out cleaning service in Seattle right away!

Bumble Bee Cleaning Services